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THE PARALLEL UNIVERSES OF EDUCATION, MEDICINE, ART, LAW, WAR & FINANCE AS THE GREAT DEPRESSION PROVED, international banking is the culprit else a Wall St. shutdown would not have affected the rest of the world even unto the Orient. Everything is interconnected, especially now with computers. Wouldn’t Genghis Kahn and Alexander the Great have loved … Continue reading

Nonfiction / Opinion / Writing


THE MATRIX OF BUREAUCRATIC LAW USA Machiavelli’s Myrmidons THE PATTERN IS EMERGING inherent to American legalistic of the past several decades, which also replicates those centuries hitherto in vicissitudes. There are currents of trend pervading the development of the evolving nature of law and order and bureaucratic reaction as well as public and press reaction. … Continue reading

MEMOIR / Nonfiction / Writing


R L POLK IT WAS UNREAL stepping into that large room filled with desks, each with a worker, a female, doing something intensely. Polk made telephone books in reverse, that is, listed by other than last and first names, instead by telephone numbers and addresses, then a name or two. This information was gathered by … Continue reading

Nonfiction / Opinion / Writing


FORBIDDEN PLANET The Ending of theExtended Dark Ages IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE ANY RESPECT for any of this phenomenon we know as civilization. That’s why we had Bob Dylan singing, “I got nothing, Ma, to live up to”. That was the truth of it. Then we found Dylan pseudo-acting in grade B pulp fiction movies. … Continue reading

Opinion / Writing


POLITICAL BACKLASH ALREADY THE ELECTED ONES ARE BEING REPLACED, namely Republicans that shut down the government functions over Obamacare, or ACA, same thing but misconstrued as different by the workers who don’t bother to discern and the politicos who don’t bother to inform their unwitting cohorts. Some conservatives retain their jobs but the mood has … Continue reading

Nonfiction / Opinion / Writing


INTERNECINE WAR WORLD IT’S EVERYWHERE, the subterfuge, the nefarious acts against humanity. As secret activities continue to be revealed more the world appears more a battleground than a settled wilderness. We read of a near disaster, for instance in Southeastern United States in 1961 to put historical perspective on this in which a bomb 260 … Continue reading

Nonfiction / Writing


THE LIVERS & THE OBSERVERS The Seven Chakras in Cultural Terms The New space-age cadets are informative but peripheral. They dance all around the issues. Aphoristic quips and neologism wordings are fancifully nice. That lies in the realm of social studies albeit in two senses. One lives it, the other observes it. The livers and … Continue reading

Opinion / Writing


MASS MURDER = POLICE STATE SELF PERPETUATING SYNDROME. As preemptive wars are launched and police malfeasance escalates the feedback consequently increases, a deadly cycle is evident. Like the chicken and the egg it no longer matters which came first, it only matters that it can’t be stopped or could only be neutralized by extreme measures. … Continue reading



UNDER & ALONE A Book Review OMG, OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANGS, that is. That’s the official truncation or acronym. The ATF, yeah, another acronym for Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and lately E for explosives surveillance, was on their case, those MONGOLS, the worst scourge of motorcyclists to date, worse apparently even than the HELLS ANGELS, OUTLAWS, … Continue reading

Nonfiction / Writing


ONE WICKED WORLD DON’T LOOK BACK or you’ll be turned to salt, whatever that means. A bad as it gets though there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. As politicians juggle constituents against ideologues, police battle bad guys and good guys alike, industrialists move in on developing countries for profit and tax … Continue reading

MEMOIR / Opinion


DYLAN THIRDHAND NEWS is just that but here’s the news. At a Pennsylvania TV station or performance center as of 2013, I forget which, a union stagehand was told that when Bob Dylan arrived no one was to look at him, that they could be fired if doing so. Huh? Well, this comes from a … Continue reading

News / Opinion / Writing


O LOW-DOWN IRONY Addenda to Bradley Manning, Patriot LOWDOWN IS THE OPERATIVE WORD here. Irony is the noun. Lowdown or Low-down is the modifier, the adjective, the former spelling being the actual facts with slight accent on down, the latter meaning despicable with accent on low. Both meanings hold true as to America today. Getting … Continue reading

Opinion / Writing


MONEYCHANGERS, MERCENARIES & GANGSTAS Founding & Foundering of America THE WORLD HAS ESSENTIALLY BEEN AT WAR throughout recorded history, presumably quite the same prehistorically. The impetus to migrate to the New World was ostensibly the relinquishing of that heritage and starting anew. The War of Independence, extending this heritage, was largely incepted over taxation but … Continue reading

Opinion / Writing


THE KILLER & THE WHISTLEBLOWER A Fairytale IT’S BLATANTLY OBVIOUS now that false premise for going to war and secretive monitor of citizens here and abroad are to remain legally sanctioned but revealing secretive monitoring is deemed aiding the enemy, a treason offense. dick cheney, george bush and Cabinet perpetrated the manufactured excuse for war … Continue reading

MEMOIR / Nonfiction / Writing


OKIE FROM MORRIS COUNTY The Redneck Dandy Who Came to Artistry A Study in Pseudo-Psychopathic Behavior ©2013 Mitchell Jon MacKay THE IRRATIONAL MAN is a syndrome encompassing several psychological issues. Having had studied at length and in depth the convoluted life of a psychopath, and consequent scholarly research papers about the phenomenon, I come to … Continue reading