Opinion / Writing


From the White House Down
THAT’S WHAT IT’S COME TO when one kicks out the clever rhetoric and public relations of politics. The two Negroes in the highest power play position have pretty much shown us their proclivities now, they being well hidden to date. The pompous speeches of well-intended crossover or moderate stance were accepted as liberal position with room for compromise to get things accomplished through legislation.
Now we know for sure that there’s something else going on. Edward Snowdon case in point. Trayvon Martin case in point. These are but two incidents, true, but very indicative since these are hot newswire items currently. Obama’s “son” dies unrequited; Edward Snowdon is charged with treason for leaking government documents.
Naturally Obama and Holder hide behind the façade of imperial power and condescend not to speak directly to the public or the press of such matters, but the press still has its ways of finding these subtle maneuvers. The press as such is not so free anymore yet still can negotiate behind the lines in finding the tidbits they so clamor for as do the rest of us. It’s still a few years of this administration and by the looks of it this will escalate as much as the public allows it before coming to drastic acts. Think of it: black man elected under auspices of liberality and fairness, preaches all good things for all good people. Holder the Attorney General comes aboard as an above board ally who happens to be black as well. All fine and good so far.
And then…and then…nothing happened. All the campaign promises never came to be. What the…? Well, give it time, everyone thought, maybe there’s more to these negotiations than can be dealt with in the immediate. Guantanamo, Abu Graib &c. All the TV hullaballoo and fun and games served to alleviate any suspicions of forfeiture of supposed intentions until finally the foreclosure of true instincts came to be unavoidable. This was slightly prior to the Zimmerman and Snowdon debacles but we were catching on to the hints of subterfuge. It was hidden in plain sight as it were but gnawing away at the subconscious all the while.
The extent of deceit is what boggles the mind, the deft ability to play the game so cleverly and completely with nothing but contempt in execution of the cautious steps leading to what is now apparent but was well disguised. The Affordable Care Act may or may not be a viable process of change, this no one knows yet. The idea of universal health care should be something to implement since all of Western Europe and Canada had this for years, why not the US? Naysayers and decriers know not what they’re decrying since they haven’t been to those countries to see how it all works. Nonetheless neither do we Americans know what to expect from this plan, not yet anyway, all we hear is John Boehner’s complaints echoed through the conservative element voters who depend upon Social Security and Medicare for their sustenance and health care, Socialistic programs replete. So where that fits with the Obama administration remains indecipherable.
The gist has come to be one of reverse discrimination. Zimmerman and Snowdon and by implication Australian Julian Assange who along with Bradley Manning started this whole thing, all white people but for one Hispanic. Get it? Of course we do. Racial discrimination. Well, it’s payback time, so the repartee would go if truth were told. It isn’t. The game goes on. Obama’s good at game playing, very good, still able to rally a convincing speech as to fairness and the American Way and suchlike. But it’s all falderal and phony. Giving him the benefit of doubt we let it go by but now it’s obvious that in doing so he merely edged himself closer to his inner desires to get back at Whitey. Yes, that’s it plain and simple. Blacks hate whites and are scared of Hispanics. This is not conjecture; this is history 101.
Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, George Zimmerman and Edward Snowdon languish in limbo lost due to implications from the president of the United States, verbal comments that should not have been uttered from that plateau of responsibility. A professor of constitutional law would know better, therefore the degree bestowed was not deserved and some manipulative subterfuge is suspected. The man is not who he portrayed himself to be. As to Eric Holder, he may be merely a marionette dangling there, this we don’t know yet.
At any rate, it’s disgraceful and we as a country stand disgraced by the advent of the false and furtive representatives once so acceptable but consequently so fraudulent. The true story can be nothing other than this was a ploy, a plot of long duration. What else could it be? The turnaround was so dramatic albeit timely that the presumption of guileful deceit is unavoidable. America’s first black president is a colossal failure and a very dangerous one at that. With several more years to live out this travesty who knows what evils might be foisted upon the country and the world? Possibly impeachment will come to the fore but again who knows? Obama may be in the good graces of the real ruling elite and may have protection way beyond that which the legislature can dole in reactive mode. Money of course rules this world and money is the real power behind the throne, any throne any time anywhere.
The obtuse and prejudiced have their field day of touting we told you so but that’s not the issue, that’s simple bigotry. What we have here and now is true undermining of the American Democratic system, bigotry in reverse that has never been seen before in such entrenched format as to come from the highest offices in the land. The inversion is complete now. The balance of power is not fully transferred as yet for the legislature still has powers of impeachment and vote, albeit rather dubious in many instances, misguided and prejudiced in its own directives. We the people have no more say in the matter for a few years and by that time the damage may have been done irreparably.
If this man Obama is indeed in the good graces of the ruling elite he will make it through; if not he will be assassinated, a fitting end but all sociological ruminating at this juncture. He is certainly no Abe Lincoln or John Kennedy and possibly so ineffective as to be negligible in the long range historical record. His true nature is come to the fore at any rate regardless the impact of his ministrations and inverted rhetorical speechifying. He is in essence guilty of power mongering by conversion, the black devil Orpheus come to Washington to revenge his people’s subservience for five centuries and more. This is not who we voted for, thus the sum can be none other than deception from the get-go. We have read of the pressures of DC when once ensconced therein, the worldwide troubles to deal with, thousands of details to be dealt with and such, but the reality is that the person brought his agenda with him to the White House as a black huckster conning Whitey. Pretty good scam too all things considered. He got over on white America every bit as handily as Al Qaeda got over on the protective services on 9-11-2001. We don’t know yet whether this was a long range plan orchestrated by the elitists but the indications are that this may be so. Conspiracy is the easiest issue to mock and denigrate so is hardly ever brought to the fore as a factual matter. Obama may even be heralded in grade school history books as the savior of the black race in America. What better place to inculcate propaganda than grade school history books?
This, it must be emphasized, is not conjecture, not any longer. The implications are replete and gathered altogether make up a mosaic of convincing truth telling. Some will negate of course, and some will concur out of erroneous emotions, but taken all at once the picture formulates a scheme of some far-reaching proportions. Why would the power elite want or accept a black president who represents a revenge token policy over white and Hispanic America? There’s more here than meets the eye. It will come down to financial matters, of this there can be no doubt. Blacks are only 15% of the population but some 40+% of the prison population. Public school to prison pipeline indeed – whose fault is that? Who does the crimes? Teenage gangstas to prison gangstas pipeline. What would it further for the elite to have a black president if indeed this is the backing Obama enjoys? Since it is somewhat known that money wins elections by fair or foul means, the extrapolation must be that this has ever been the way of it and continues to be. Obama cannot be working alone in this subterfuge and it must reward the power elite in some ways that we are not entirely aware of. Otherwise he wouldn’t be there and in fact if he crosses any lines too hazardous he won’t be there any longer.
He could be impeached over the IRS scandal or other indiscretions but that’s up to the power elite to determine. If Obama acts out consistently in his dogged determination to suppress free speech, free press and the rest, and succeeds, he will be known as adhering to whoever pulls the strings behind the throne. Otherwise it’s just a prejudicial retaliatory Negro against Whitey undermining cloaked in judicial and military terms. This we shall see directly. It can’t remain hidden from the public much longer if some can see it so clearly. Curious how the black remonstrance might coincide with the power elite’s plans but that’s not unusual in the realm of politics and big business to utilize any factions for their dirty deals. Clever they are and money is never lacking to accomplish goals.
All this while Obama walks that fine line betwixt factions relying on power of office and backers while extending his revenge against Whitey for sake of black votes and other support, visualizing speech engagements when out of office as all good ex-presidents do for fun and profit, and generally making himself a good nigger for all the world to see. But we know differently now. He’s a traitor to the American people but a proponent for Negro vengeance. Where this all fits with the ruling class we don’t know quite yet and most will probably never know. But some of us will. We finally know who killed John F. Kennedy; we’ll find out one day who Obama really serves. For now he appears to be serving the ex-slaves and Jim Crow victims but it will likely turn out to be a larger picture than that. All presidencies are international affairs, not strictly home soil. It’s obvious that the 9-11 attack was orchestrated well in advance and that Washington had to have known about it but let it happen anyway for political and military reasons. Witness g w bush’s response in full – from MY PET GOAT to MY PET WARS. Obama is a phony much more so than bush. He probably won’t be impeached or murdered but instead ensconced in the enfilade of hero-worshipping icons that brought the country down from its once vaunted paragon of freedom and justice for all.
The real Obama, despite some references contrarily, may be known and the picture is not a pleasant one. He’s what we once referred to as a “jive spade” and how he serves the power structure remains to be seen. The Whiteys under his directive of revenge will be assimilated, little doubt there, resistance is futile even though some protest and organize otherwise. Some are doomed to be martyrs. If Obama is ever assassinated we may know that he has bucked that system and returned to whatever roots took hold in writing the book “THE AUDACITY OF HOPE”, now seen as foregone conclusion of falsehood. Do the blacks benefit? Doubtful. Trayvon Martin and followers didn’t make out so well. Obama’s in this for his own black skin and progeny. Politics is for the avaristic, not the adventurous. He walks that fine line of Negroid help betwixt black pride and acquiescence to THE MAN moneychangers. If he plays the game well enough he gets the glories and the spare change. If not he gets death and ignominy – his choice. Some of us already know his choice. 