JORDAN VALLEY LOG HOME ©2013 Mitchell Jon MacKay PERCHED ON A HILL the Wanek farm overlooks Marsh Road, M-32 and the Jordan River State Forest and Valley. John Wanek or Vanek came from Czechoslovakia in the 1860s/70s, settled on grant land, and became a squared log home builder, his home the prototype. The MacKay family … Continue reading



REINCARNATION A SOUTHWESTERN AMERICAN INDIAN CHIEFTAIN nearing death proclaimed to his tribal members in attendance that he would come back as a male child soon and would be known by a birthmark commensurate with a mark upon his skin acquired in the course of life. Soon after his death a baby was indeed born replete … Continue reading

Opinion / Writing


REVERSE DISCRIMINATION From the White House Down THAT’S WHAT IT’S COME TO when one kicks out the clever rhetoric and public relations of politics. The two Negroes in the highest power play position have pretty much shown us their proclivities now, they being well hidden to date. The pompous speeches of well-intended crossover or moderate … Continue reading

Opinion / Writing


STAND YOUR GROUND AGAIN (and again) The Endless Altercation PROTEST DEMONSTRATIONS PROLIFERATE demanding repeal of Stand Your Ground laws. This goes back at least to the Bernard Goetz encounter in New York City when he pulled a handgun on five teenagers, he white, they black, on a subway train, the teens acting unruly and threatening. … Continue reading

Opinion / Writing


CYCLISTS & VEHICULARISTS Mitchell Jon MacKay VEHICULARISTS? Vehicularist: noun, one who drives a motorized vehicle. Bicyclists can legally ride a bike on paved roads. In fact it is postulated that paved roadways were first installed for bicycles to extend the life of tires, that being before Guinness invented the improved tire model. Cyclists can even … Continue reading

MEMOIR / Writing


DETROIT, DETROIT NO, NEVER A SONG WAS WRITTEN about the streets of the Motor City, unless one accepts “Your Merry Oldsmobile”, “Feel Like a Ballgame on a Rainy day”, or Motown song styling as such. Oldsmobile brand is discontinued, Tiger Stadium demolished, and Berry Gordy left after a successful advent. Exciting glamorous times those were … Continue reading

Opinion / Writing


HOODIES & HEURISTICS Continued WE LEARN BY EXPERIENCE. Heuristic reasoning is equivalent to autonomous learning or autodidactic as opposed to empiric or formally educated results, more the Occam’s razor than the refined methods of determining outcomes. In simpler terms it’s the school of hard knocks. Heuristics is not syllogism and can be construed as dubious … Continue reading



LINCOLN – MONEY MARTYRED Book Review Belatedly THIS IS AN ODD BOOK from the dusty arcane shelves of used book stores, literally and figuratively. Published in 1934 and subsequent reprints through 1985, it seems to fall into the category of the occult and yet fact checking substantiated much of the information imparted. This story purports … Continue reading



OF BUREAUCRATIC CASUISTRY An Oxymoron Deciphered CUI BONO? Who benefits? This is the cutting edge postulation in all dealings between man. With government there comes a dichotomy of intent, first the concept of order, then the reality of cost. Simply put, if some are to lead, the rest must contribute. Mutual benefit is the presiding … Continue reading